We will use the received data only for the purpose of the inquiry.
Without your consent, the received data will not be stored, processed, or passed on to third parties. Read more about personal data handling before signing up in the Privacy Policy.
Enter the contact details of the parent or guardian
Lastname and name: *
Address: *
Zip code: *
City (Post Office): *
Country: *
Phone: *
Email: *
Enter the details of the parent to whom the invoice will be issued.
Enter details of all guests (children you are registering)
Guest 1
Add a new type for guest registration
To claim health funds, send the original medical proposal to our address Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.
I declare that I am informed and agree with the Privacy Policy. You can revoke your consent at any time at info@zavod-zlro.si or by mail at ZLRO, Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, 1000 Ljubljana. In case of revocation, we will completely delete your data and stop sending information about our events for children and youth.
I allow the publication of image and sound material featuring my child, for the promotion of activities in internal and external media (e.g., newspaper, catalog, website, social network, radio, etc.).
Fields marked with * are required.
Ali ste prepričani, da želite odstraniti to osebo?